• What is PLA, TPU, PETG, and ABS?

    In Short: These acronyms stand for the different types of plastic that a 3d printer would extrude.
    - PLA (or Polylactic Acid) is known for its moderate strength, low melting point, and biodegradeable nature.
    - ABS (or Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) is known for its high melting point and high strength.
    - PETG (or Polyethylene terephthalate glycol) is known for being foodsafe and moderately durable.
    - TPU (or Thermoplastic polyurethane) is known for its flexibility, oil resistance, and customizability.
  • Why Coil3D

    Quality and Precision: At Coil3D we make sure to hold our models at a high standard. We make sure not to sell any models that do not pass a detailed inspection.
    Customization and Personalization: At Coil3D we make sure that you are involved in the fabrication process every step of the way. This allows everything we print to directly satisfy you no matter how difficult it may seem.